The Art of Contrast: Finding Beauty in Darkness and Light

Contrast in art

Have you ever wondered why bright objects seem so vivid to us, or why things look so vibrant and eye-catching during the day? When we look at nature, like a tree with its lush green leaves shining in the sunlight, have you ever wondered what makes us see it that way? Contrast in art

It’s because objects appear even more captivating in light due to the contrast created by darkness and shadows on the opposite side.

In the beginning, when I was learning painting, my artworks always appeared dull. Despite numerous attempts to brighten them up by adding more white to my paint and using lighter colors, they continued to lack vibrancy.

Then one day, while sitting next to my painting, I had a realization. I wondered if I were to apply white paint on a white wall, would it be visible or have any noticeable impact? The answer was no, as there wouldn’t be any discernible difference. However, if I were to apply the same color on a dark or black wall, it would stand out brightly.

That day, I realised that rather than adding brighter colours . I needed to incorporate shadows or darker hues to make my colours stand out. Later, I learned that this is a common mistake among beginners. They often choose light colours instead of adding darks or shadows, resulting in paintings that appear dull and chalky rather than bright and vibrant. Contrast in art

In order to make our painting bright, we must incorporate plenty of shadows.

We often require the contrast of opposites to enhance the appearance of something. For instance, placing a white ball on a table may not look particularly striking, but adding a black ball beside it instantly makes it stand out. Our eyes naturally seek contrast and comparison to perceive depth and visual interest.

We would never fully appreciate brightness without darkness. Think about nighttime: if there were no dark periods, we’d probably get tired of the endless brightness of the day. However, with each dark night, we anticipate and eagerly await the arrival of the bright day. Contrast in art

Likewise, we wouldn’t fully appreciate the good things or happy moments in life without experiencing the bad days and sad moments. After enduring sadness, the subsequent happiness feels even more profound. We come to value and appreciate it even more deeply.

Without bad people or negative experiences, the concept of good would lose its significance. Everything would simply be labeled as “good,” rendering the distinction meaningless. However, the presence of negativity allows us to appreciate the value of goodness. Just as lighter colors stand out when contrasted with darker ones, good things or people become more apparent when compared to their counterparts. In essence, the existence of “bad” adds depth and meaning to our perception of “good.”

If you’re going through a tough time right now, don’t worry. When the good times arrive, you’ll appreciate them even more and feel incredibly happy. I remember when I was young and I used to face tough times, I would often complain and wonder why it always felt like it was happening to me.

Later on, I came to realize that tough times are opportunities for growth and learning. Once we grasp the lessons they offer, the tough times tend to fade away. I wouldn’t be as resilient as I am now without having faced and overcome numerous challenges. Thanks to perseverance and gratitude, I have emerged successful despite the adversities I’ve encountered.

If you’re experiencing tough times, rest assured that better days are on the horizon. Embrace the journey and make the most of it. Cheers to brighter times ahead!

With that said, I’m signing off. Until next time, take care!

Also read: Understanding Stories Written on the Canvas of Our Bodies

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